Thursday, July 27, 2006

No Immediate Ceasefire

Dear Marianne,

So Israel is bombing the hell out of Lebanon and children are dying every day and important people in Rome are unable to find "agreement on an immediate ceasefire".

I looked at the wee ones sleeping soundly last night and thought how lucky I am that they are in no danger from falling bombs, then I worried that they will be, sooner rather than later, then I worried that by the time they are my age they will be fighting people for water and then I worried and then I worried some more.
How can any person not decide on an "immediate ceasefire" - I suppose their children must be sleeping soundly.

Eddy the cat has been in a big fight. He has scratches up and down his chest and a great big bite on his tail.
He really shouldn't even be out - since he is a posh/breed/no hair thing and the most expensive household object we own apart from a tasty Linn sound system which will soon be available to buy on eBay because we need the money for a car.

Most people have a view on our cat - they hate him or they love him. I love hate him. Mike's friend Billy who is two and a half is absolutely terrified of him, but so keen on the dollies and prams we have here that he is willing to take the chance of bumping into him now and agin.. When he does, he cartoon jumps in the air and then hares off shouting "scary cat..scary cat!" , this is a reaction, unfortunately, that many of our adult friends can relate to.

I did get a consolation moment from Eddy the other day though, when Perry the "room counter" came AGAIN, to count rooms AGAIN and look at the back wall AGAIN (a fetish I think)and tell me he couldn't decide between three properties he was looking at.

It's a difficult and complex relationship we have. I can see that he is becoming distant, he is distracted when he is here. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to know the details.
He told me anyway - he told me about the other women - Brenda in High Brooms who has fewer rooms than me but has a larger garden and Sara at the other end of Camden Road who he says is cheaper! How the hell does he expect me to feel...why does he keep me hanging on!? Why don't I just tell him to leave me and my plumbing alone...I suppose the truth is, I need him.

Where was I? Yes, the consolation moment came when, as I sat re-reading a bank statement at the table in the yard, in an attempt to look busy and uninterested in him (Perry), I heard a yell from the kitchen. A few moments later he came out with Eddy attached to his shoulder. "Friendly little thing - just jumped right up" he said through gritted teeth as I peeled Eddy's claws from his neck.

"The cat is part of the fixtures and fittings - make me an offer", I said; see how he reacts to tough love...



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